Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The Best of Frank Costanza

Hello Seinfeld lovers,

Frank Costanza is my favourite character aside from the core four. He invented Festivus, the Mansierre, and the "stop short" move. He's a legend.

I was thinking about including some of Frank's famous quotes in this post, but there's no way I could do his character justice by simply typing some words. The humour behind his quotes is all in the delivery. Luckily, I stumbled across a YouTube video full of Frank's quotes. The video is pretty lengthy, but if you're a Frank Costanza fan like me, I guarantee it'll be time well spent.

While searching Seinfeld on YouTube, I also came across some other character clip videos for a few more of my favourites. Check out the videos below. Enjoy!

Jackie Chiles

J. Peterman

Kenny Bania

Uncle Leo 

David Puddy 

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